Monday, April 4, 2011

Class - Holocaust

This last class was over the Holocaust. We covered the expanded timeline (as compared to what we were taught in high school), and how it was not just death camps, there was a very strong financial component, as well. Some of how Germany was in just the right condition when it started to happen was also covered.

Separately, I went to Temple Sinai this Shabbat. I went to Friday night services, and then a "Mincha" service on Saturday afternoon. It was pretty interesting - most of the core group of people from Sinai were traveling in Israel, so it was just a few of us. We discussed the first sentence of the first chapter of Pirkei Avot. Observant readers will recall that this is what Rabbi Lutman had me studying - so I was able to lend a little insight of my own to the discussion. :)

I'm liking Temple Sinai, but I want to see how well my family takes to the place, and also how I get along with the core group of people. I like some of the people over at Bnei Havurah, but Temple Sinai probably has more to offer a family. I'm not sure I see much of a difference between Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism, but I'm sure to a Rabbi there's more difference than what I see.


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